The story of Unexposed begins when singer/guitarist Simon van der Horst and drummer Melvin Buskermolen decided to start a new project in the spring of 2005. They met two years earlier at a live performance of metal band Led Astray, where Melvin was the lead singer. Yorick, a close friend of Simon, was the bass player of this band. Simon and Melvin started to jam together in Uithoorn at the workplace of Melvin’s father. In the summer of 2005 lead guitarist Jorn Waaijer, a friend of Melvin, joined the band.
It was difficult for the band to find a bass player. When they met drummer Erwin van der Laan in 2006, Melvin tried playing the bass for a while. Unfortunately Melvin and Erwin got too busy with their jobs and had to quit the band. The band started rehearsing in Utrecht in 2007 when two new musicians were added to the line-up: bass player Rogier Vogelij, also a member of Led Astray, and drummer Richard Japenga. In the next two years many songs were written and Unexposed was almost ready for the recording of their first album.
Things changed in the winter of 2008/2009, when Rogier and Richard decided to quit the band for various reasons. Rogier was too busy graduating and Richard had different ideas for the music. After a short break that lasted until the summer, Simon met Italian funk drummer Matteo Ippolito at dB’s studio in Utrecht and a fresh start was dawning. Several bass players jammed with the band, but a permanent member had not yet been found. A year later Matteo moved to London, so again Simon and Jorn were all that was left of Unexposed.
Drummer Marco Heinrich responded to an ad in October 2010. His colleague Jurriaan Koot started playing the bass. The next two years a couple of new songs were written and a recording session was held at Studio Moskou in May 2012. The band was almost ready for their first live performance, when things changed again. Marco moved back to Germany and Jurriaan moved to Den Haag. Simon and Jorn didn’t give up and started to look among friends for new members.
In the autumn of 2012 drummer Dyan Ramekers and bass player Sebastiaan Stoffelsen joined the band. A recording session in Veldhoven was held in the spring of 2013. Later that year the band decided to make an album and started recording in Harderwijk at Pitch Note studio. The album ‘King of Fantasy’ was finished in May 2014. After a well deserved holiday the band started to rehearse for their first live performance with new guitarist and backing vocalist Hylke de Jong in 2015.